All in Destination

Lazy Day in Albania...

As I promised to everyone I know… the first TWO days would be sleeping, sleeping and sleeping. After a summer of working doubles, followed by a 2000 mile road trip with two Border Collies, I need to catch up on sleep. Day One in Albania… SUCCESS! Click the photo to see my day which involved sleep and eat only.

Back to Ireland!

Back at it! After departing the cruise ship (Ovation of the Seas) in Vancouver in the very early hours of the morning, Barry went straight to work in Minneapolis and I headed to Houston to repack for our next journey. Click on the photo to get this full story!

Tokyo Disney!

The happiest place on earth! Yes... Tokyo Disney! We debated on which day to visit Disney and decided that Saturday was best for Asakusa and Sunday would be best for Disney because the crowds are less. Well... we woke up to rain. Tokyo was on the edge of a typhoon so it was going to be a wet day. Click to see what happened...

Cathedral de Segovia

Cathedral day! It's time to explore the inside of Cathedral de Segovia. I felt so small as I stood in front of the Doors of San Frutos. It is at this very door that each year on October 25th, a festival takes place. On the eve of the festival, hundreds of locals gather here for the traditional enactment of turning the page signifying one more year in the book of life… Come join us as we walk through this architectural beauty!