Better sit down with your favorite beverage because this is the tale of a crazy day… not many pictures but twists and turns galore! Click to open and read about our adventure! Buckle up!!!
Better sit down with your favorite beverage because this is the tale of a crazy day… not many pictures but twists and turns galore! Click to open and read about our adventure! Buckle up!!!
After a brief "time out", I'm back to sharing our Tokyo adventure! After visiting Asakusa, we took a quick taxi ride with my new bestie! Though he didn't speak, look how excited he is to take us to Edo Museum!!!
It's been ten, long months since this photo was taken. Though progress is slow... we've come a long way! Click on the photo to see the latest in our Hurricane Harvey recovery...
The happiest place on earth! Yes... Tokyo Disney! We debated on which day to visit Disney and decided that Saturday was best for Asakusa and Sunday would be best for Disney because the crowds are less. Well... we woke up to rain. Tokyo was on the edge of a typhoon so it was going to be a wet day. Click to see what happened...
Changing time zones affects sleep. In this case, it is daytime in Houston so my “sleep” was more like a series of naps. I'd get an hour nap and wake up refreshed, like a power nap. Force myself to sleep and wake up again after an hour and a half. This went on all night. Despite the broken sleep, I was ready for a full day of sightseeing! We started at Asakusa, the spiritual heart of Tokyo. Click to join us on our adventure!
After a brief break to get my health in order (sort of), we’re off… Yesterday we flew from Houston to Minneapolis and on to Haneda, Japan. It’s a quick trip to drop my granddaughter off with her other Japanese family :-) Keep in mind, day one we were running on zero sleep! (I’ll catch up on the rest of the Spain trip upon my return)
Cathedral day! It's time to explore the inside of Cathedral de Segovia. I felt so small as I stood in front of the Doors of San Frutos. It is at this very door that each year on October 25th, a festival takes place. On the eve of the festival, hundreds of locals gather here for the traditional enactment of turning the page signifying one more year in the book of life… Come join us as we walk through this architectural beauty!
Today is dedicated to the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Segovia Aqueduct. Used in the Coat of Arms for Segovia, this immense structure is host to hundreds of thousands of visitors each year.
This UNESCO World Heritage Site is the symbol of Segovia. What an impressive structure! Check out our adventure in Segovia, home of the beautiful Aqueduct!