Continuing on in Barcelona...

Experiencing all of that beauty makes one work up an appetite! While our friends walked through the museum, we scoped out a restaurant for lunch. Across from the cathedral was a nice outdoor cafe. The view allowed us one last look at this masterpiece of architecture.. What a view!

Awe Inspiring Interior: La Segrada Familia

Thinking nothing could be more impressive than the exterior of La Sagrada Familia, walking through the doors into sanctuary literally took my breath away. Immediately stepping back, I wanted to see the reaction of my husband and our travel partners. The fact that I was able to take a second selfie in the same day is a testament to the specialness of this room…

Mercado de La Boqueria: Market Time!

Each time we visit Barcelona, I imagine a time where I could enjoy a long term stay. My time would include daily visits to this amazing market. Of course, Saturday would be a double shopping day because it’s closed on Sunday. Click on the link and visit Mercado de La Boqueria


With two long days of travel, a late arrival into Barcelona… we dragged ourselves out of bed to meet for our 8:45am tour! It was definitely worth getting up to visit this beautiful part of Spain!

Ship Time Shenanigans!

Due to the weakest wife ever experienced, I am playing catch up on postings. The last couple of days on the ship were a mixture of eating and sleeping… Enjoying our dinners in the specialty restaurants, I can’t rate the main dining room. We never made it there. Here we are in Sabatini’s Italian Restaurant on the 16th floor.