Time to Board... Oddly emotional

Raining outside did not “dampen” my spirits! Walking toward the new terminal in Galveston and on up the escalator, I felt a wave of emotion come over me. It had been so long. At times, I feared there would never be another sea day for me. Yet up the giant escalator I go!

Return to sea... FINALLY!

After a two year and nine month Covid-caused hiatus… it’s finally time to head out to sea! Through challenging weather, and good fortune with nonrev travel, we made it from Lake Tahoe to Galveston. It’s time to get back to documenting travels!

#TexasToTahoe: Amarillo to Taos

Leaving Amarillo and heading for Taos, we were treated to some amazing sights! Rather than taking the quickest route, we opted for The High Road to Taos. Best decision ever!!! Click on the photo and see why it's definitely worth it to take this alternate...


Three days... sketchy internet... so I'm playing catch up on #TexasToTahoe. Join us on our road trip: six days, six states, two Border Collies and lots of snacks! Click on the photo to see where we've been so far!

Fun With Spammie...

The twisting, turning journey we call life put a halt to our travels (temporarily). Health issues and more weather related damages to our home have altered a course for the time being. The good news? Beautiful sights are everywhere… especially in my own “backyard”. Click the photo to see what we’ve been up to!

Headed Home... Temporarily

All good things must come to an end… at least for a short time. It was a great trip. I am now a giant fan of the Balkan and look forward to spending years exploring the entire region. Time to take a quick look back at the past month, things I will miss… Click on the photo to see some additional pics…

The Rest of the Day... Novi Sad, Serbia!

Sorry I couldn’t stay awake yesterday to finish our adventure in Novi Sad! Today starts with the continuation of our time at the fortress. Stunning! Then adventuring in City Centre. The above photo was a 5 hundred billion dollar bill that Mihajlo carries around to remind himself of the days of extreme inflation brought on by their time under Communism. He explained that the system looked good on paper… and probably served his parents better. But it failed because there was no incentive for anyone to work… so the economy collapsed. Fascinating information… Click the photo to see the beauty of Novi Sad.

Novi Sad, Serbia

Driving a short hour out of Belgrade, we visited Novi Sad. Second largest city in Serbia, the vibe in this town is much different. Slow paced, unique and with younger architecture, this area completely captured us! Click on the photo to see Novi Sad and our journey getting there…