All in Road Trip

Next stop... Winchester!

Everywhere we’ve visited, including Winchester, we have seen tributes to the England’s new royalty. There are magazines, Christmas ornaments, pictures, dolls… lots of memorabilia honoring the new King and his bride. One common attitude, is a bit of a distaste for King Charles’ wife…It may be the areas we are visiting, but it has been the general consensus so far.

Return to sea... FINALLY!

After a two year and nine month Covid-caused hiatus… it’s finally time to head out to sea! Through challenging weather, and good fortune with nonrev travel, we made it from Lake Tahoe to Galveston. It’s time to get back to documenting travels!


Three days... sketchy internet... so I'm playing catch up on #TexasToTahoe. Join us on our road trip: six days, six states, two Border Collies and lots of snacks! Click on the photo to see where we've been so far!

Road Trip!

The Celebrity Equinox, Holland Rotterdam and Navigator of the Seas all together... we were tempted to extend our trip and jump on any of these ships but instead...