Barcelona: Slightly On My Own...

Walking around Barcelona by myself was a little strange. Being the type of person who needs confirmation of the beauty… “Look! isn’t that amazing???”… it’s odd not to have someone to turn to while touring. It’s good practice for Malaga!


First view… we have arrived at the port of Barcelona! Not quite ready to get out of bed to start the day, I snapped this photo with covers pulled up from my cozy bed. Sad to leave the ship, but thankful to have more adventures in the days ahead!

Voyager of the Seas: Malaga AKA Sea Day

With all the talk of Aurora Borealis, I figured it would be nice to share the Voyager of the Seas version. We were in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. These stunning colors greeted us… okay, maybe not but sometimes, when sailing, it helps to have a little imagination! Click to see what we didn’t do today!

Voyager: Sea Days Continued...

Our sea days have been quite calm. Of course, we have a little bit of rocking but it is quite gentle. Today was the most active with a front to back movement. It created quite a wake… Curious how the ice skaters handle this movement as they perform! Click on the photo to check out our day.