
Jet lag is for amateurs... 

Voyager: Sea Days Continued...

Voyager: Sea Days Continued...

Quite an active day on the ship. Deck Thirteen is where all the action happens! We passed by a volleyball tournament. The teams play several rounds and the last to be eliminated wins. An announcer makes the whole experience exciting. Though mostly men participated, there were a few brave women!

Up a circular flight of stairs… at least another story high… is a platform to jump into the water slides. Two, mostly side by side, we noticed a few people racing. One of the slides has a clear section so you can see the person sliding. We are waiting until tomorrow to try! Definitely, our weather is warm enough for slides!

Surprisingly, the winds weren’t bad at all during our game of mini-golf. You can’t beat the views. However, it is a bit challenging to putt while the ship is rocking forward and backward. We will definitely try this one again… I had a few good holes. Corey’s only sketchy shot, I filmed… isn’t that the way it is? He had a great game the rest of the time.

Being a little playful, Corey got a photo of me with my “friends”. There are statues placed around the ship… couldn’t resist a picture!

With our rocking, the pools had to be emptied. It seemed to have calmed, so crew members began to refill the side by side pools. As you can see in this video, it may have been too soon. This wasn’t even close to being the biggest splash. The entire front rows moved after giant splashes kept covering them in water! Soaking all of their belongings, this went on for the afternoon.

Corey scoped out a very quiet spot on Deck Four. We brought our books and read for a good part of the afternoon. Every once in awhile, a passenger walked by because this is a good walking deck. Although you can’t walk the entire loop. You must go as far as possible and turn around. The attraction is that no one is really around…

Back up to Deck Thirteen, we watched the Flow Rider for awhile. Obviously, the group using it during this session, are seasoned surfers. They do have lessons at certain times of the day.

Returning to our cabin for a bit, we found our cabin made up and a new towel animal! Every day, a new animal. Cute eyes on this one… is it a mouse? or something else altogether?

From our balcony, I took videos of the wake created by our rocking. It’s been awhile since I’ve been on a deck as low as seven. Well, actually, we were on Deck Six last month to Vancouver (I’ll create a post about that trip…). I love the foamy water!

Dinner last night was at Izumi’s on Deck Fourteen. The view is amazing! Our reservation was perfectly timed for sunset. With the dinner package, we each got a started, two mains and a dessert. I ordered miso soup, Chef’s Choice (six pieces… two salmon, two shrimp and two ahi). For my other main, I got the Poke Bowl. It is extremely filling! Filled with Salmon, Ahi and Avocado… this is the second time I’ve ordered it!

After dinner, we enjoyed the show. A comedian magician, Levent has been seen on Penn & Teller and Master’s Award. He was very entertaining! Apparently, we sat next to the “star” of the show the night before. Everyone recognized him. We will have to see his encore performance!

We ended the night in Tavern Pub. With the playoff game on, we had perfect seats in front of the big screen tv. Now we know where to go to watch all the games… took us awhile! Until tomorrow…

Lost For A Couple Days...

Lost For A Couple Days...

Voyager: First and Second of Six Sea Days!

Voyager: First and Second of Six Sea Days!