
Jet lag is for amateurs... 

Kite Festival Houston Style

Kite Festival Houston Style


Houston, Texas on Sunday, March 25, 2018. As we approached the location of the kite festival, we crossed a path at the base of the Mary Gibbs and Jesse H. Jones Reflection Pool. It measures 740 feet long and 80 feet wide. There are tiers of rippled rock and beautifully tree lined. It was an impressive introduction for my first visit to this park!


We chose to attend this event because, as new dog owners, we wanted a place we could begin to socialize our puppy. The majority of visitors had both kids and dogs, making this a true family affair.


Our four month old puppy, Sapphire, was not quite sure what to think. There was so much activity, she initially seemed overwhelmed. After a bit, she settled down and began her favorite pastime of chasing her ball.


I love gems in the midst of a big city. After five years here in Houston, this was the first time I explored this park. I quickly tired of circling around looking for a parking space... it was worth it to me to pay to park at the hospital. There is a rail that drops visitors off right at the park, but I had Sapphire so we walked. It was a VERY short walk... To look out and see so many kites in the air was impressie! Kites, parents, children, dogs... running around in the fresh air, soaking up the sun...

Life is busy, children grow up so quickly... this I know from experience. It makes an event like the Houston Kite Festival all the more special! Parents taking a break from work and chores to spend quality time as a family. Getting away from computers, tv's and phones, pure interaction between parents and children is so important. Young and old seemed to enjoy this event...


With this park nestled in the midst of many medical facilities, we saw patients out walking and enjoying the grounds. We were approached by a couple of patients in surgical masks... they wanted to pet Sapphire. I told them she is just learning to socialize and is a bit intimidated by new people but they were welome to try. As you can see, she really isn't that shy after all! She melted into this gentleman's lap... The park and the pets are so healing...


As we walked back to the car, preparing to cross the street to the hospital parking lot, we came upon this reflecting pond. With the waters gently spilling over the rim, it was a peaceful area to sit under the trees. Water always brings me peace :-

Hurricane Harvey... Seven Months Later...

Hurricane Harvey... Seven Months Later...

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Beers and Basketball...