While leaving Southampton, something broke on our ship... the jet propulsion? Maybe? Anyway, it forced us to miss a second port, Brussels. However, it did allow us to overnight in Rotterdam on the anniversary of the Rotterdam Blitz. Sailing up the Nieuwe Maas, a tributary of the Rhine, it is apparent how busy this sea route is. Interesting buildings line the shore. This is one of the busiest seaports in the world. In addition, their economy is boosted by oil refineries.
Approximately every five years, cruise ships go to "dry dock" to have a little face life or major reconstructive surgery... This is one location that hoists the ships up and makes them modern and pretty :-)
As we neared the bridge, I was confused as to where we would dock. There was a split in the river so we could have gone off to the right but we didn't seem to be heading that way. I was happily surprised when I realized we were pulling up right at the base of the beautiful bridge!
Due to our "disabled" ship, we got an extra day in Rotterdam. We enjoyed an overnight in this beautiful city. Our first order of business was wandering over the bridge and through the city. Often we will take a Hop On Hop Off bus to get a feel for the city first but this time it felt good to just walk... This sculpture caused me to stop and stare a bit... to figure out what I was looking at. After research, I found it is called "Cascade"... interesting...
We felt slightly nervous after noticing the barricades behind the "Cascade" sculpture and then seeing a strong police presence. This was shortly after a string of vans running over people in European terrorist attacks so we wondered if there was a threat.
This intersection was a bustle of activity. Finally, a very nice young man helped us connect the dots! We happened to arrive in port on one of the most important days in this city's modern sports history. Feyenoord Rotterdam was in the National Championship game. They had not won in 18 years. The town was abuzz! We were told that this fountain is usually off limits but if Feyenoord wins, fans are allowed to jump in the fountain!
Our new friend gave us a little advice on things to see and routes to avoid major crowds. He sent us on a little back road journey to a fun plaza.
THIS has to be the most unique flats I have ever seen. Each unit is multi-level with windows at a tilt. The floors are supposed to be level but in the kitchen, if you put your spices in the window they are leaning sideways toward the ground. It is my understanding that the top floor has a 180 degree view of Rotterdam. I'll be able to confirm that at the end of April (2018) when I stay there... I was so intrigued, I've booked a two night stay:
As we mozied on through the city, we came across this... a urinal. I waited for the gentlement to finish their business before snapping a photo. I was slightly taken off guard as we approached and I saw men in the middle of the park going to the bathroom... I guess it's better than the ground. No one seems to pay them a bit of attention. It's just different than I'm used to :-)
Fans of the Feyenoord Rotterdam team gathered in bars all across the city. Singing songs in unison. It was a very high spirited time to be in port.
Ready for action... police units like this were posted all around the area. Not sure if you can tell from the photo, but some of these guys were VERY muscular! I wouldn't mess with them!
Blocked with chain linked fences, we were unable to approach this beautiful chuch... next time!
We spent some time at a memorial for the anniversary of the Rotterdam Blitz. There were speeches, singing, praying... very emotional. It was in a square by the a boat harbor. Many people seemed to be taking tours out of this area.
The Erasmus Bridge is stunning! 2,631 foot bridge links the north and south parts of the city. It was named after a remarkable Christian Renaissance Humanist named, Desiderius Erasmus. This fairly modern bridge was completed in 1996.
Such an outstanding view of our "home" as we walked back over the bridge. Lights on the ship, the city as a backdrop... I stood on the bridge and marveled at the beauty for quite awhile!
We were lucky enough to have a port side cabin to sit on the balcony and enjoy the lights of this fantastic city. It has become one of my favorite ports. There are many stops I won't even bother to get off the ship... this one, definitely more to explore!
As we prepared to sail away, news spread that the Feyenoord game was nearing an end. We were trying to figure out the score by sounds. We heard cheers erupt, horns honk and whistles blow throughout the city twice... we figured those were goals for Rotterdam. The city went crazy... Feyenoord had beat Heracles Almelo 3-1 (so we missed one)! Fans ran across the bridge toward the main city. Cars, stuck in a traffic jam, honked their excitement. We had the perfect view of this cannon salute that went on for well over an hour...
Can't wait to return in April!!!