"Alone" at Sea on Majestic
After dinner, we put our swim suits on and headed to the Solarium. It was beautifully lit up ... and not another soul in sight. During the daylight hours, I never noticed this sculpture. Perfect lighting made it so elegant!
No matter what the hour, these seating areas are usually full until closing. On this night... no one. Amazing. We had the whole place to ourselves! There was one more space with a table, four chairs and a curtain… view of the ocean (when it isn’t pitch black out!) With two nights left, this is definitely an excellent place to play games. One of my favorite thing about the Majestic is that it had so many tucked away seating areas... it's rare to have any privacy in public areas on a cruise ship!
With no one anywhere near this venue... Hollywood Club... we could not resist a relaxing Jacuzzi. Such a strange feeling to be out at sea, during peak hours and not see another human. We kept pushing the button to restart the jets!
With the Jacuzzi water a nice, hot temperature, the pool was tempting... I figured it would be freezing and I would have to run back to the bubbling water. Not so. Prepared to shiver, I dipped my toes into the main pool. Oh. My. Gosh! It was like a bathtub! Not boiling hot like the Jacuzzi, but like a very comfortable bath. It was irresistible! It was such a feeling of freedom... floating in the warm waters, late at night, no other people. Completely peaceful. Completely serene. Looking at the glass ceiling, I noticed the Princess logo so I tried to take a selfie that included the symbol. Not as easy as it seems!
Ordinarily, the fountain light show is standing room only. We always miss it because there isn't a convenient place to stand that offers a view. On this night, there was a handful of guests but mostly crew members. With only 200 left on board, the crew had more free time. They were able to enjoy some of the attractions usually attended by guests. The colorful fountains danced to the music... beautifully choreographed!
Our final port stop was the next day. We would have two nights in port on the ship, compliments of Princess Cruise Line. This saved us quite a bit of money as we were unable to secure immediate airfare. Three days in Fremantle wasn't the worst thing that could happen. Before heading to bed, I looked off the balcony and noticed the ship was beautifully lit up.