Voyager of the Seas: Malaga AKA Sea Day

With all the talk of Aurora Borealis, I figured it would be nice to share the Voyager of the Seas version. We were in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. These stunning colors greeted us… okay, maybe not but sometimes, when sailing, it helps to have a little imagination! Click to see what we didn’t do today!

Voyager: Sea Days Continued...

Our sea days have been quite calm. Of course, we have a little bit of rocking but it is quite gentle. Today was the most active with a front to back movement. It created quite a wake… Curious how the ice skaters handle this movement as they perform! Click on the photo to check out our day.

Voyager: Day Three at Sea

Lazy day… so lazy that I actually forgot to take many photos! Skipped dinner pictures altogether! We played games for hours! This is a photo we had to take so that if the move Corey was making didn’t work, we could put the board back together again the same. Sometimes the moves are so convoluted that you lose track of what you were trying to accomplish! The funny part is, sometimes you twist the entire board around to get rid of one tile…

Voyager: Day Two at Sea

As Corey and I ordered a bottle of wine with dinner, the waiter asked if we required two glasses. Of course, we said yes… he kind of laughed and asked if Corey was old enough. Joking back, I said, “By a decade… oh wait, in a few days it will be a decade and a year.” The waiter’s eyes lit up and said, “this will be your birthday cruise every day!”